Past Events

Rolling Thunder Wreath Ceremony

The Atrion Charitable Foundation donated money to the Rolling Thunder New Jersey Chapter 3 to provide wreaths which they placed on the gravestones of area veterans.  This is a picture of their group leader speaking at the wreath ceremony.  Throwing out first pitch – As a thank you for the donation to the Rolling Thunder New Jersey Chapter 3, they organized for Pat Grillo

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Pat Grillo, Stephan Tallent, Ed Moss, Bob McCoy, Jay Garcia

This photo was taken at the 2018 charity golf outing. It depicts Pat Grillo and a few others. Stephan Tallent was responsible for building the FortiVet program within Fortinet and Jay Garcia is the Program Administrator. The FortiVet program provides free network security training as well as life skills training to military veterans, while also

Pat Grillo, Stephan Tallent, Ed Moss, Bob McCoy, Jay Garcia Read More »

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