On Thursday April 11, 2024, AT EASE Foundation (AEF) hosted its second Tequila Tasting event at Mexicali Brews in Branchburg, New Jersey. The event was a huge success, raising almost $21,000 which will be donated on an as needed basis to families of Veterans and First Responders in our local communities. The event was attended by 84 people, many were Military Veterans, Police and Firemen, some were both. Everyone that attended received an AT EASE FOUNDATION logoed shirt and Tequila glass to use for tasting and to take home after the event. We had a variety of shirts, short and long sleeves in four colors. The Camo shirts were a tremendous hit and went fast.

Pastor Scott of Church of the Nazarene in Annandale, New Jersey gave the invocation to start event. Pat Grillo Chairman of AT EASE Foundation thanked everyone for attending, introduced the AEF board of Advisors, veterans, first responders and sponsors in attendance. AEF is a 501(c)(3) 100% run by volunteers and provides help to those that have sacrificed the most to keep us safe, putting them and their families AT EASE.
Following Pat’s talk the serious eating, drinking, and networking began. There were tables set up where you could speak to representatives from tequila vendors and taste their products. If you found one you really enjoyed, you could purchase it at cost. There were also three Tequila mixed drinks you could try. They were a big hit. While we were drinking and networking, the staff at Mexicali Brews were bringing out delicious appetizers.
About midway through the event, we had the pleasure of donating two breaching devices each to five police departments that were in attendance. AT EASE has now donated to 17 police, fire, and EMS departments in New Jersey.

Following the presentation, it was time to see who was going to win the fantastic raffle prizes that were donated. Sgt. Kenneth Gerhart and Michael Peluso did the honor of pulling the tickets and announcing the prize winners. They then pulled the winning ticket for the 50/50 raffle worth $465. Vince Cirianni won the money and immediately donated it back. Thank you, Vince.
Next up were four big ticket prizes that were donated by local business leaders. Tom True handled the task of being the auctioneer. Tom did a great job considering he was not aware that Pat Grillo had volunteered his services.
Mexicali Brews finished the evening off with a spread of tacos that were incredible. Oh yes, we continued to drink Tequila.
Thanks to our volunteers, Mexicali Brews, and our major sponsors below.
Platinum Sponsor

Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsors