More than 52,000 servicemen and women physically injured in recent military conflicts. 500,000 living with invisible wounds, from depression to post-traumatic stress disorder. 320,000 experiencing debilitating brain trauma. Advancements in technology and medicine save lives – but the quality of those lives might be profoundly altered. The numbers speak for themselves, because not every warrior can. With the support of our community of donors and team members, we give a voice to those needs and empower our warriors to begin the journey to recovery.

It began with Lieutenant Colonel Dan Rooney’s flight home from his second tour of duty in Iraq. As his flight landed, the pilot announced they carried the remains of Corporal Brock Bucklin on board. Lt. Colonel Rooney watched as Corporal Bucklin’s twin brother walked somberly alongside the flag-covered casket to meet his family on the tarmac. Among them was the deceased Corporal’s young son, Jacob. Since that night, Lt Col Rooney has committed his life – through the Folds of Honor – to provide scholarships to spouses and children of America’s fallen and disabled service members.

Founded in 1962, The Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation is the nation’s oldest and largest provider of need-based scholarships to military children. For nearly 60 years, we’ve been providing access to affordable education for the children of Marine and Navy Corpsman attending post-high school, under-graduate and career technical education programs.

The Union County Sheriff’s Office is one of the largest law enforcement agencies in Union County. We are proud to provide unique law enforcement services to our community.
We strive to ensure a safe and secure environment for visitors and employees at the Courthouse Complex in Elizabeth as well as several other locations throughout our county. The Sheriff’s Office maintains a presence in assisting the Department of Homeland Security, the Joint Terrorism Task Force, the Domestic Violence Joint Task Force, and the United States Marshal’s Fugitive Task Force. Our Crime Scene Unit responds to all major incidents in our county. The Sheriff’s Labor Assistance Program (SLAP), provides manual labor to our communities while keeping non-violent offenders out of jail.

Wreaths Across America also conducts several programs to honor our veterans, including the popular “Thanks a Million” campaign which distributes cards to people all over the country to give veterans a simple “thank you” for their service. WAA participates in veterans’ events throughout the year, and has a veteran liaison on staff to work with local veterans organizations.

NPower creates pathways to economic prosperity by launching digital careers for military veterans and young adults from underserved communities.

During the course of these historic events the founders of these two organizations met and instantly formed a bond realizing that their missions were perfectly aligned. Since that moment in 2008 they began a lasting friendship and a common goal that precipitated a parallel path.
Each year since the first run across America, runners from around the world have joined Run for the Fallen in remembering our fallen. Over 50,000+ participants and over 200,000+ miles have been collectively run in remembrance of those heroes, organized in over 26 states. But more still needed to be done. A plethora of state runs continue to exist with additional being added yearly.

Founded in February, 2005, Operation Shoebox NJ is an all-volunteer grass roots organization dedicated to collecting donated supplies and shipping care packages to U.S. troops based in Iraq, Afghanistan and other Middle East countries. We are committed to sending packages overseas as long as there is a need.

The Mission of Project Horses for Forces is to serve Military Veterans of all Eras and Active Service Members who have incurred invisible / visible wounds connected to their service, including their families; as well as military loss survivors (suicide & combat loss), through partnerships with Horses and Volunteer Veterans who have been there. Our purpose is to provide opportunities to break the cycle of side effects, rebuild trust, and restore well-being and hope for the future. Services are provided at no cost to participants. Our commitment to our Veterans lasts as long as it takes!


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Sponsorship Opportunities Details:
To sponsor the event, contact us for more information. Sponsorships include golf outing tickets, business logos on signage throughout the golf course and on all programs, promotion via the web site and social media, and the opportunity to support some great causes and meet a number of our military and first responder heroes in attendance.