On Tuesday September 12, 2023, AT-EASE Foundation held its Annual Charity Golf Outing at Neshanic Valley Golf course. We couldn’t have asked for a better day with blue skies and temperatures in the low eighties.
We sincerely want to express our deepest gratitude to everyone who was a part of this event – the attendees, the sponsors, the volunteers, and everyone who donated. Your generosity has brought life to our mission, and it’s you who makes the continuous aid to the ones in need possible. Thank you for helping us in creating a difference. This year’s event was a huge success, raising more than $33,000 and bringing our total amount raised to over $200,000.
For the sixth year, Atrion/Aurora combined its 32nd Annual Customer Appreciation Day with AT-EASE Foundation’s Swing for a Cause Charity Golf Outing. The amazing response received from vendors as sponsors and their great customers simply blew us away. Quite a few of Aurora’s customers made personal donations and we are still receiving more.
The day began with Pastor Scott of the Church of the Nazarene delivering a beautiful and heart felt Invocation prayer. He prayed for those who have and continue to sacrifice to keep America and its citizens safe at home and abroad. Following the Invocation an Honor Guard from the Union County Sherrif’s office presented the colors and Sgt. Nekira Sherman did a fantastic job singing the National Anthem.
Immediately following the national anthem 98 golfers headed out on the course for fun, golf and possibly a beer or three. For the next five hours the competition was intense, you could see the determination in the players’ eyes knowing that huge rewards awaited the winners.😊 The golfers also had a chance to help raise additional monies by beating a long drive champion on a Par 5 hole or a lady professional golfer on a Par 3.
After the round, golfers, guests, and volunteers were treated to dinner and cocktails. Following dinner Robert Schielke announced the winners of the golf competition, handing out envelopes bursting with prize money. (not) Robert, Dominic Grillo, Maggie, and Nikki Stagg pulled the winning raffle tickets and 50/50. James Hughes of Unity Bank won the 50/50 and donated back his winnings. Robert also did a live auction on a few big-ticket items.
One of the highlights of the evening was presenting life saving claw devices to five New Jersey police departments. We have subsequently received requests from three more PDs which I hope to fulfill soon. Nick Klementowicz President of Jersey Tactical helped present the claw devices and gave a short overview of some of their products.
Margo Cianchetta spoke about the Marine Scholarship Foundation program which gives scholarships to children of Marine families and how AT-EASE Foundation has been partnering with them to do even more.
Pat Grillo gave a short overview of AT-EASE Foundation and its mission.
Special Acknowledgements
A special acknowledgment to Atrion/Aurora for their continuous collaboration and to every individual and organization whose personal donations are still contributing to the cause. Our heartfelt appreciation to Pastor Scott, Sgt. Nekira Sherman, the Union County Sheriff’s office, and the Jersey Tactical team for enriching the event with their presence and contributions.
Let us continue swinging for a cause, fostering benevolence and unity to make a lasting impact on the lives we touch.

Short Update:
As of September 29, 2023, we have sent out over $16,000 in donations. Listed below are a few.
Five Police Departments were given three claws each. We have plans to send claws to an additional two PDs.
- 5 Police Departments were given 3 claws each. We have plans to send claws to an additional 2 PDs.
- $1000 to Clinton Township Police departments K9 unit.
- $2000 to Marine Corps Scholarship Fund.
- $1125 scholarship to a family in need.
- $800 to the Marine Corps Leagues Scholarship fund.
- We also made donations to Hope Through Education, VFW 5119 relief fund, NY Run for the fallen, American Legion and VetRest.